Friday, May 04, 2007

Now available at Seaside Scraps

Because I just changed stores, I thought I'd post the items that are currently available at my new store. I am officially selling at Seaside Scraps. I am still working on getting my kits up in the store, but so far these are the ones that are available (see below).

Unfortunately, I don't have anything new to announce. I haven't had a whole lot of designing time lately. Once I turn in my 2 major final projects for my classes on May 9th, I'll probably spend a couple of weeks designing and scrapping. We'll call it detoxing.


SarahB said...

Congrats on getting your kits into a new store! I am still moving all my kits over from my previous store too (similar unpleasant situation at a different shop) and it's a lot of work! Hope your new store brings you lots of success!

Sharon said...

Glad you found seasidescraps and looking forward to working with you. I will put a link to your blog on mine
Need any support just yell. My details are at seasidescraps and on my blog.

Anonymous said...

congrats on getting the stuff into the new store! I can't imagine having to repack it all!!! Thanks for the links to The digi diner I hadn't heard of it! Same goes for to check them both out!

Credits: Stacey Sansom's "Summer Delights" | Fonts used: ...............