I had applied to 2 more online digital scrapbooking stores for designer positions. I was turned down by Digiscrappin.biz but was offered a position on their Element Team. Yes, I took the spot.
Then I got my email from The Daily Scrap. There was an initial mix up on the emails. I got another rejection. That was soon followed by a profuse apology, stating that I did in fact get the spot. I got the spot. I got the spot. I got the spot.
I was SO excited. Of course, it all came at a very BUSY BUSY BUSY time for me. Just crazy. A to-do list 10 miles long and growing. I decided I was taking the leap and accepted the position and submitted all the required stuff. How was I going to get the kits completed and ready for purchase and download?
WELL. . .
My first kit hit the mall today!!! YAY! YAY! YAY! I am so excited!
Here is a preview of the kit:

I am just delighted. I am excited. I will be working on getting some of the other kits ready for the mall as well. I can't believe it!
So everyone, keep an eye for news about new and upcoming things!
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